Viewing Prophet Profile
Timothy Dixon         Print
Posted On February 14th, 2021

I'm unable to find any information on this individual other than he's a prophet, a pastor of a small church, and a former over the road, long distance truck driver.  If you know any information on this individual, please let me know.  Thanks.

Ministry Website:

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Prophecies: 59 - Sources: 88 
A Famine In The Midst Of Plenty -  Source 1 
A Lesser and Greater Virus -  Source 1   Source 2 
A New Capital For The USA -  Source 1 
A Season of Extreme Weather -  Source 1 
A Shakeup in the US Military -  Source 1   Source 2 
A Worldwide Pre-Tribulation "End of Age" Harvest and Revival -  Source 1   Source 2 
An Outbreak of Supernatural Youth and Healing -  Source 1 
Atlantic Ocean Super Storms -  Source 1 
Catastrophic Rise in Gas Prices -  Source 1 
Coastal and Midwest Earthquakes -  Source 1 
Donald Trump Will Become President Twice -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
Droughts, Home Gardens And Hyper Food Scarcity -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
Five Presidents Shall Fall -  Source 1 
Funeral Homes Will Become Full And Overwhelmed -  Source 1 
God Shall Save Australia and New Zealand -  Source 1   Source 2 
God Will Restore California -  Source 1 
Great Death Will Fall Upon The World -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
Great Floods Coming To The Earth -  Source 1 
Japan Super Quake -  Source 1 
Major Riots and Martial Law World Wide -  Source 1 
Massive Exodus of People From America -  Source 1   Source 2 
Misc Prophecies -  Source 1   Source 2 
Prophecies of the Auto Industry -  Source 1 
Sign Prophecies -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5 
The Arrest and Removal Of Those Who Are Corrupt -  Source 1 
The Blessing of the Obedient and Cursing of the Disobedient -  Source 1 
The Border Wall Will Be Built -  Source 1 
The Crash of the Stock Market -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Curtailing of Homosexuality and Sexual Deviancy -  Source 1 
The Destruction of America -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Destruction of Washington, DC -  Source 1 
The Fall of George Soros -  Source 1 
The Fall of Kamala Harris -  Source 1 
The Fall of Many World Leaders -  Source 1 
The Fall of Merrick Garland -  Source 1 
The Fall of Nancy Pelosi -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Fall of the Democratic Party -  Source 1 
The Fall of the US Congress -  Source 1 
The Humbling and Judgment of Russia -  Source 1 
The Humbling and Revival of China -  Source 1 
The Judgement of The Food Industry -  Source 1 
The Judgment of the Media -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Asia -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Donald Trump -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Georgia (usa state) -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Mexico -  Source 1 
Last Updated: Friday, July 1st, 2022 at 10:16am
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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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