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 Prophecy:   The Destruction of America

 Name:   Timothy Dixon

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Dream  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

Summary of the Video: At a future time, after the coming great soul harvest (see the "A Worldwide Pre-Tribulation "End of Age" Harvest and Revival" prophecy for details on that) America will be attacked by a future coalition of Russia, China and Iran. America will be greatly hurt because of this. Part of the attack will come south from Canada (Russian air force), on the ground (China) and via other avenues. Alaska will be captured. NYC and DC will be bombed. Command will be setup in Norfolk Naval Base. Ronald Reagan Airport will be destroyed. The time period in question will be REALLY close to the rapture. The president at this time will be a woman. (possibly related to Kim Clement's prophecy of a woman president) Christian churches were specifically being targeted and destroyed by bombs from combat aircraft with the purpose of destroying Christians. However, the churches were empty at the time. (probably because believers will either be in home churches by then, busy on the streets evangelizing, or maybe even warned ahead of time by God to leave) People in America are shocked that this would ever happen.

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Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
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