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 Prophecy:   The Judgment of the Media

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary: Starting at 6:54m. MSNBC, a bankruptcy you will experience. You are falling like CNN, and so is your parent company, NBC, for your disgusting filth, that has come from your stations. You brought such fear, death and confusion. Your judgment in this hour is great. Even the elites can't save you, because I AM the one who is against you.


A big shake-up will take place at NBC and MSNBC. Whistleblowers and exposures will plague them in the coming days. Truth shall destroy their narrative. Stocks will tumble, and financial woes will break them. I am shutting the mouths of the liars like I shut the mouths of the lions against Daniel. A great silence will hit them all, and a takeover will begin.


NBC, you will be torn to the ground by me. How dare you speak and tell the news how you want it told. You wouldn't back off, and you threatened jobs, and people's lives if they didn't speak what you wanted them to speak. All will be revealed when you are no longer speaking any news. I am shutting your doors, and taping your mouths shut. Your influence and power si being stripped from you now. For I am the great I AM, and I shall decide which news stations will survive. And, NBC, you are NOT one of them.


NBC will be breaking in your news everywhere. Exposures and scandals will plague this news network. Watch for people you thought were good but were actually not. The Today Show will take a major hit. They're all falling to truth, and none will stand up against Me and win, saith the Lord of Hosts. (IN PROGRESS)

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