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 Prophecy:   A Lesser and Greater Virus

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Fulfilled  

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Covid was a trap, a setup. Everything about covid will be exposed. Many people died that shouldn't have. They planned mass casualties, so they allowed people to die when things weren't going the way they wanted. I will expose every doctor, hospital, government official, and scientist behind it, and some names may surprise you, saith the Lord.
FDA: Vaccines Don’t Have to Prevent Infection or Transmission - Report Link
Japan relaxes mask wearing, other COVID measures | CTV News - Report Link
Within Mere Months, Moderna’s Covid “Vaccine” Efficacy Turns Into AUTOIMMU... - Report Link
1.4 Million Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, Canadian Woma... - Report Link
Official GOV. Data confirms COVID Vaccinated Children are 4423% more likely to d... - Report Link
What have they done? Government confirms COVID Vaccination INCREASES risk of Dea... - Report Link
Worse than Monkeypox? Multiple Cases of Skin Diseases Following COVID-19 Vaccina... - Report Link
Australian scientist reveals that COVID is a common cold virus – NaturalNews.c... - Report Link
Children infected with three viruses at a time because COVID measures have worn ... - Report Link
UA researchers find link between COVID deaths and snake venom - Report Link
'Predetermined': Mainstream scientists blame media, Big Tech for squelching COVI... - Report Link
NYT: 'Red America' Has Built Up More Natural COVID Immunity. - Report Link
The South Florida Sun Sentinel Publishes Alarming Report on COVID Vaccine Reacti... - Report Link
Update: FBI Raids COVID Testing Company Accused of Falsifyng Test Results in $12... - Report Link
CDC Seems To Tacitly Admit PCR Tests Can't Differentiate Between COVID And The F... - Report Link
CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injecti... - Report Link
Google has a financial interest to push the pandemic and the covid-19 vaccine ex... - Report Link
Even CDC Now Admits No 'Gold Standard' of COVID19 Virus Isolate | Principia Scie... - Report Link
I-Team: Deaths incorrectly attributed to COVID-19 in Palm Beach County | WPEC - Report Link

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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