Viewing Prophecy

Famines Will Be Common Print
Posted On January 2nd, 2015
  Status:    Fulfilled 

This prophecy speaks of how, in the last days, famines will become common and devastating across the entire globe to the point where food will become scarce and precious, and may, in some cases, cost you an entire day's wages just to buy enough food for only one meal.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Supporting Verses:   Luke 21:11 Revelation 6:5-6
  Teachings and Explanations: 
11. Famines will be common (The End Times Signs (blog)) - Report Link
  Proofs and Fulfillments: (41) 
MS: Is The Black Horse Of Famine Getting Ready To Ride Too?; COGwriter: The ride of the 3rd ... — ... - Report Link
"No Turning Point Yet" - Soaring Food Inflation To Continue Into 2022: Commodity Expert | ZeroHedge - Report Link
World Food Prices Jump In August To Near Decade High - Austin County News Online - Report Link
Millions face hunger in Somalia amid poor weather - Report Link
UN World Food Program Warns Of 'Famines Of Biblical Proportions In 2021' - Report Link
'Countdown to catastrophe' in Yemen as U.N. warns of famine - again - Report Link
Food Shortages Hit China: There Is "Not...Enough Fresh Food To Go Around" | Zero Hedge - Report Link
Four Reasons Famine Is Coming to America | - Report Link
100,000 Pasta Boxes And Enough Peanut Butter To Make Nearly 3 Million Sandwiches - Report Link
Five threats to US food supply chains | TheHill - Report Link
Use of neonicotinoids on rice paddies linked to fishery collapse in Japan - Report Link
Blizzard-Like Weather Approaches, Only Half of Corn Is Mature, USDA Says - Report Link
Cuba launches widespread rationing in face of crisis - Report Link
FAO: Famine on rise in Near East and North Africa - Report Link
They survived Boko Haram. Now many of them are on the brink of starvation. - Report Link
Yemen famine feared as starving children fight for lives in hospital - Report Link
Chaos in Caracas: Venezuelans opt for aliya as situation deteriorates - Report Link
Libya: More than 100 families at risk of starvation in Benghazi - Report Link
Venezuela crisis: I flew to U.S. to buy toilet paper - Report Link
Children dying of starvation in Yemen's conflict - Report Link

"Serious concern" in Somalia as 5 mln go hungry, UN says - Report Link
Venezuela's steep prices, scarcities open the way for cardboard coffins - Report Link
Aleppo: 'We have no food, we cook leaves off trees' - Report Link
'Food crisis' hits 10,000 laid-off Indians in Saudi Arabia - Report Link
50,000 children face death by starvation in northern Nigeria - Report Link
McDonald's Stops Selling Big Mac in Venezuela Due to Bread Shortage - Report Link
Vatican invited to mediate in Venezuela crisis - Report Link
Venezuela's inflation is set to top 1,600% next year - Report Link
Doctors turn militant over Venezuela's health crisis - Report Link
Over 1,200 People Die of Starvation at Nigerian Refugee Camp After Fleeing Boko Haram - Report Link
Venezuela announces new plan to tackle food crisis - Report Link
'We want food!', Venezuelans cry at protest near presidency - Report Link
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro orders crackdown as country's crisis intensifies - Report Link
Venezuelans in long lines: 'We need food and medicine' - Report Link
Italian court rules food theft 'not a crime' if hungry - Report Link
Southern Africa drought triggers DR Congo food shortage - Report Link
Iraq: UN fears hunger in besieged Iraqi city of Falluja - Report Link
Why Are Saudis Buying Up Farmland in Drought-Stricken Western U.S.? - Report Link
North Korea Tells Citizens to Prepare Themselves for Famine - Report Link
Central African Republic: 2.5 million people face hunger crisis, UN warns - Report Link

  Keywords:   Food, Famine, Hunger, Scarcity, Drought
Last Updated: Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 at 10:11am
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Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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