Hello again everyone. I really hope you're enjoying the new Prophecy Index and all that it has to offer you. I know I was slow getting to these latest upgrades, but now that they're done, I pray they're highly beneficial to you. Plus, I still have a few more to come once I can sort out the issues that are blocking them. Now, with that said, I'm putting out a notice that I'm in search of a volunteer admin for the site; someone who can help me keep up with the work around here. It's not something you have to sit down and spend 8 hours a day doing. An hour here, half an hour there, or however long you want to work on things here just to help me stay on top of the constant work that comes with trying to maintain a prophecy site like this. Especially with the rate at which things are happening right now.
Some of the work involves searching out proofs for existing prophecies, perhaps teachings or sources if prophecies don't have any, or don't have enough, (I'd like to get at least one teaching on every entry listed on here if possible), for bible prophecies finding additional verses where needed, finding new prophecies that should be tracked, both biblical and modern (I don't claim to know every bible prophecy about the end times, so if I overlooked something, please tell me.), finding bad links in the proofs, sources and teachings sections, identifying when prophecy statuses should be updated, keeping the prophets section up to date primarily with the bios section, and making sure the sources on all modern prophecies are linked across to the proper profile, etc, etc, etc.
Now that probably sounds like I just dropped the Titanic in your lap, but really, that's not a lot in the bigger picture. Yes, that's a LOT of things to watch for and keep track of, but I'm not expecting someone who comes in to help me to try and do all of that by themselves, or all at once. I just gave that list as an example of everything I have to keep track of and administer or monitor on the site so you get an idea of what you're coming into, and why I really, really could use some help. :) Also, even if you're not able to help out, if you know of someone you trust who you think would be a good choice for helping out, please let me know.
Also, this doesn't have to be just one person. It can be several people. For example, if 5 people were able to donate even just one hour a week to help out, that'd be a massive blessing and a help to me. And I know God would be pleased with your help, as would the many, many people who use this site. So please, come help out if you can as it'll really help me a lot, and it'll also help me stay on top of things here and not get behind like I did before. ^_^;; So if you're interested, just email me and let me know. Or, if you're reading this on Facebook or Twitter, just message me there and let me know. Thanks!!
Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Lake
Chief Admin