House Cleaning and Theme Request
Monday, November 23rd, 2020 1:41pm

For those of you who regularly visit the site, you may notice some big changes that are happening here.  That's because I've finally found the time (not really, I kinda had to *make* time, even though I couldn't really afford to) and built some tools to help clean up dead links on the site.  I think what finally pushed me to build these tools is the sheer number of bad links being reported in.  So, realizing that things were much worse than I first thought, I set aside a few other jobs I needed to do and built some tools to help with that effort.

And, from what I can tell, this was desperately needed, unfortunately.  I mean, nearly 6 years worth of stuff has piled up here (ie, bad/dead links) because I haven't been able to effectively do my job as admin and clean up those items.  Well, just like when you leave the dishes in the sink too long, I'm now having to do a much larger job than I really should.  However, fear not, all of that will get corrected.  So, if you notice any large changes around here, rest assured, it's just me doing housecleaning of old, dead links and broken content I haven't been able to address until now.

The other item of importance here is I need a new theme for the site.  Since the vast majority of users are switching to mobile solutions for literally everything, leaving very few PC users viewing the site anymore, I'm in need of a new theme that is mobile responsive.  Themes and I have never really clicked that well, and I've always had to get outside help with putting those together, so I'm now requesting any help from anyone who wants to build me a theme.  I don't use Wordpress, or Joomla, or anything like that.  I'm entirely homebrew, so all I need is working templates and I can do the rest. 

And I'm willing to pay for them.  I'm not going to ask anyone to do something that involved for free.  So if you want to help me out, and do a great service to the Lord in the process, please consider helping out by developing a new theme for the site.  My only stipulation is that the new theme follow, as closely as you can, the structure of the site.  That doesn't mean you can't get creative and improve areas that need some updating, especially if it makes them look really nice.  But the basic structure I'd like to retain as closely as you possibly can.

Like, for example, on prophecies, I need to keep all the sections that come with each prophecy entry, but the look and layout of those sections can change.  So, as long as the information in them is retained, you can do pretty much whatever you want to improve those areas and make every page mobile friendly.  You're even welcome to add new and improved graphics (actually, please do, as my current stuff is super old).  But, as with anything, I'm flexible.  So please, if you're interested in helping in that capacity, please do.  And, as always, thank you everyone who helps out! :)

Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Lake
Chief Admin

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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